Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Teach?

As someone who is preparing to go into a job in education, I would like to know some of the reasons why others have become teachers. I found a couple articles listing reasons to become a teacher (linked below). I would like to share five of these reasons and talk about them.

1. A large reason that people chose to become teachers is to spend time with young people. Many teachers say that they wanted to become teachers because they feel a great reward for shaping the minds of our youth. Others have said that they not only like teaching students but learning from them as well. It is also possible that spending so much time with the youth can help you to feel young as well. Whatever the reason for wanting to spend your day with your students, they are definitely a reoccurring reason that people say made them want to become teachers.

2. A second motivation for teaching is being able to share and do what you love. If you love a particular subject, teaching it is a great way for you to do that subject every day. Your love of the subject could in turn inspire your students to like the subject. If you are an elementary teacher, maybe you enjoy the option of teaching many different subjects and learning about the things your students are learning about.

3. Another incentive to becoming a teacher is that after a few years of working you will have job security. Schools have to have teachers so as an educator you are a lot less likely to be laid off than you are in many other jobs. Also, teaching jobs are available anywhere in the country and essentially the world so you can find a job almost anywhere.   

4. A fourth benefit of being a teacher is that your schedule works around your family. You get out of work around the same time that your child would be getting out of school so you have time to spend with them in the afternoons, instead of working at a job until 5pm. You also have school vacations and summers off with them. This can help save a lot on childcare, especially if you have more than one child.  

5. Another reason to become a teacher is the steady pay and benefits. While teaching does not pay a huge amount of money, the pay is good compared to the number of hours that you actually work. You also have the opportunity to make more by teaching summer school or running an after school activity. Teachers often get health insurance as well as good retirement plans. Additionally, you have all national holidays off and sick leave.

The benefits of teaching do have to be weighed with the downsides. Today teachers are put under a lot of pressure to get their students to perform well on tests. The idea of linking teachers’ pay to their students’ performances on tests has been considered. Teachers are also scrutinized by administrators in their evaluations to make sure they are following the curriculum. The joys of educating the youth does come with some behavioral issues as well. Teachers need to be able to keep control of a classroom of young people, whereas at an office job you will never have to worry about something like that.

Teachers need to weigh all aspects of the profession before deciding if it is right for them, as people would do with any career. I appreciate hearing both the positive and negative comments about teaching so that I am fully prepared with what to expect when I get into the field.    

Top Reasons to Become a Teacher.
Ten Reasons to Pursue a Teaching Career.
A Warning to Young People: Don't Become a Teacher.
Secondary Solutions- Picture
New York City Eye- Picture

Thursday, May 23, 2013


My name is Jackie and I am a student in EDU 100 Premise of School over the Summer. I am a math major.


The gadgets were broken (I kept getting an error message) so I added websites here.

Discovery Education

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Math Games